Thursday 26 December 2013


for this project, is quite interesting because we purposed to design and wear the costume that reflect our respective kingdom during the event. at the same time, we need to do practice performance, and many more..however , its awesome! i like it, mostly enjoy!

flag for mataram...


our kigdom...MATARAM


king n queen

this is our project director.

my team dance

dinner time...

Monday 23 December 2013

PROJECT 7 : XZbition 2013

RUS 104 XZbition is the 7th project that were held every year for the first year students. In there was shown all the projects that were done by thee students themselves from their first project until the last group big project. lecturer chose the best product to be shown in public. the committee member for project 7 and project 8, they have decided and agreed on the themes of the project 7 to be 'Floating Lines'.
That came up with beautifully as it should be.

during exhibition day...:)

my booth..building technology...

me and my friends.
we are family..:)